grant status
Visit Billings and the BTBID Board of Directors are proud to support the following events with FY24 grant monies:
- Special Olympics of Montana – May 2024
- Sun & Celosia – Summer 2024
- All Hallows Medieval Fantasy Faire – October 2024
Please watch for the next cycle to open in 2025. Please email with any questions about this grant program.
The purpose of this program is to increase visitation at Montana's Trailhead and support Billings' lodging partners by generating room nights. Other partners such as local retailers, restaurateurs, transportation businesses, and tourism attractions also benefit from increased visitation. The program is designed to attract and grow new or existing events excluding meetings and conventions. If you are looking to bring a convention to Billings, please contact Visit Billings at 406-869-3737 . The execution of Visit Billings grant funding must be in line with the Tourism Business Improvement District's (TBID) mission to generate room nights for lodging facilities in the City of Billings, Montana by effectively marketing the region as a preferred travel destination.
If you have questions regarding grant eligibility or the application process, please contact Visit Billings at 406-869-3737 or
- To fund events that generate NEW hotel room nights, preferably in value season months. (October-April).
- To fund events that reach potential visitors outside of Billings, preferably 125+ miles.
- To fund events that have potential to increase the number of visitors or to extend the visitors stay.
- To fund events that economically benefit the Billings community and Visit Billings Tourism Partners.
how it's funded
These funds are made available through the Billings TBID via area lodging partners. For every occupied room night, guests are assessed $2.00 which stays in Billings to aid in tourism promotion and marketing within the city.
There is no set number of grants that may be awarded in any fiscal year. However, the total dollar amount of grant funds awarded may not exceed the total amount of funds allotted each year by the TBID Board. To date the TBID has awarded grant funds as small as $750.00 and as large as $15,000.00 per event.
Funds should be viewed as money to assist with events in the formative years and should not be viewed as a guaranteed continuous source of funding. Applicants will not be guaranteed funding after the first year of the award and will need to reapply in subsequent years.
Any organization or individual presenting an event that supports the Visit Billings Grant purpose and goals is eligible to apply for funding. Applying organizations or individuals must be prepared to meet the following criteria:
- Provide proof of dollar for dollar match for the requested grant funds.
- Proven ability to generate, track and report hotel room nights and economic impact of the event.
- If 75% of the committed new hotel room nights listed on the application are not realized, 20% of potential grant funds will not be awarded.
- Basic Marketing plan, budget form (use the TBID downloadable template on the grant application page) and event planning timeline must be provided with application submission.
- Existing events must submit event history, including number of hotel rooms booked, and attendance.
- Communication with hotels regarding hotel arrangements must begin with the Visit Billings Sales Manager.
Applicants that meet the eligibility requirements above may be awarded funding based upon:
- A proven or qualified ability to generate, track, and report hotel-motel room nights (Room Night Calculation: Number of Rooms x Number of Nights = Room Nights) and economic impact to Billings; and
- Available Visit Billings resources
Approved projects must agree to follow the rules and regulations set forth by Visit Billings as outlined below:
- The words "Billings, Montana" shall appear on all printed and digital materials except when the event is advertised within Montana. In that case, the word "Billings" shall appear.
Include the following information on print/digital projects:
- Visit Billings web site
- Visit Billings logo (Official Artwork will be supplied)
- Acknowledgement of grant on collateral: "Produced with support from Visit Billings funds."
- All marketing investments must be placed outside Billings to encourage potential visitors from surrounding areas to stay a night or longer at a Billings lodging facilities. For instance, a newspaper advertisement placed in a community outside a 125-mile radius of Billings would potentially boost overnight visitation more compared to the same advertisement in a newspaper in a town 50 miles away from Billings.
Print Advertising
- All print ads shall be coded to provide a means of evaluation through inquiry tracking.
- Copies of ads and original invoices must be provided before monies are released.
On-line/Digital Advertising
- Clicks from all on-line ads shall be monitored with the ability to report the statistics.
Television and Radio Advertising
- When appropriate, the words "Billings, Montana" shall be stated on all audio tracks produced which include speaking - except when event is advertised within Montana. In that case, the word "Billings" needs to be included.
- An affidavit of media buy shall be on file at the organization upon completion of the project.
- A copy of the audio/video tape shall be on file at the organization.
- Television advertising shall include the Visit Billings logo.
- Funding will not be retroactive. (i.e.: Visit Billings will not pay for advertising/promotions/obligations/other contracted for by the event prior to grant being awarded).
- Other rules, regulations, policies, and procedures pertaining to this grant are at the sole discretion of Visit Billings.
- Grant recipients must provide a wrap-up report and samples of produced pieces to the Visit Billings staff upon completion (within 30 business days of event/convention closure). 20% of awarded funds will be withheld until this report is received.
- If 75% of the committed new hotel room nights listed on the application are not realized, 20% of potential grant funds will not be awarded.
- Regardless of where an applicant is headquartered or physically located, 100% of the funding received from Visit Billings must be in support of programs or events providing a measurable benefit to the assessed hotels within the city of Billings.